The stones you wear can impact every part of that story, from expression to the mood, so here’s what each of those stones are known for. Each piece tells a story, and every woman who wears it infuses it with her own story, her own beauty, and her own expression.
A stone of new beginnings, Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy.
Turquoise is an efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well being for the body.
Labradorite helps banish fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from previous disappointments, strengthening trust in the universe.
Opal heals the earth’s energy field, repairing depletions an reenergizing and stabilizing the grid.
Geodes are seen as useful for grounding and meditation.
Stalactite is associated with inner growth, power and discovery of the higher self.
Chrysoprase is said to make conscious what was first unconscious.
Druzy is said to help aid in increasing energy and balancing the body.
Chalcedony, a powerful cleanser, it absorbs negative energy and dissipates it to prevent onward transmission.